
       Minutes of Eru and Te Paea Ihaka Family Reunion
20th March 2010, Mangere Cosmopolitan Club

Attendance: Willie Witana, Adam Pink-Martin, Tom Ihaka, Petra Witana & Terry Opai

Prayer: Tom Ihaka

Minutes: Some older photo's received from Leonie Witana - which included the children of Eru and Te Paea at various ages

Website: The website is now operational and people will be able to email their registration form and family details to allow the committee to start adding to the whakapapa. We are still missing photo's of Matehereora (1914-1991, Ngawaka (1915-1942) and Kura (1924-1969) ANY HELP with photo's would be appreciated.

Funding: Willie discussed that funding via Materoa is available in many different forms and we can either apply as a whanau or as a legal entity (Trust or Company). A whanau will only be able to apply for a maximum of 10K, while a legal entity has access to more money. Various discussions took place.

A decision to form a trust was discussed to enable the reunion to apply for more funds. A resolution was put forward, that a trust, named "The Kuaka Trust" be formed. This was passed unanimously. Willie & Adam will commence work on the formation of the trust and will enlist the help of John Walters to see trust formed.

Ideally, we want to hold two hui, per area. Each hui will apply for funding autonomously and the focus on the hui will be Te Reo, Waiata & Whakapapa. Certain family members may be asked to travel to host these events to ensure the consistency and quality. Any inclusions or suggestions you may have for the hui content, please send an email adampm@ihug.co.nz

                                                                                   2010                          2011
Reo, Waiata & Whakapapa                   Auckland                   Auckland
Reo, Waiata & Whakapapa                 Wellington                 Wellington
Reo, Waiata & Whakapapa              Christchurch            Christchurch

Discussions took place that maybe the Wellington & Christchurch hui, should have a more inclusive appeal to the needs of Aupouri and maybe even to other northern tribes, to ensure we get 500-100 people in attendance, which makes it productive and financially viable for the resources used in these events. Any feedback would be appreciated on this concept, especially the Murewhenua outreach?

Language Resources       Games and resources used in the assistance of language and history. Adam has already designed two games that could be used for this initiative.

Application Committe:
David (Bangy) & Marpuna Pocklington have been asked to work on behalf of the committee, to make applications to Materoa before the deadline of May 2010.

Name Lists:
It is important that we commence collecting a list of those more recently born, deceased, married etc so that we can start to compile the whakapapa, so the book committee can work on the resources for the reunion book.

Take's Descendants                    Eru
Rihipeti's Descendants               Des Necklen
Heeni's Descendants                  Shona Pink-Martin
Reewe's Descendants                Winnie 
Maki's Descendants                    David Ihaka
Matehereora's Descendants      Paea
Ihaka's Descendants                   Kingi
Kingi's Descendants                   Tom

Each of these people will be sent a PDF, that they can liaise with the remaining family to enable a comprehensive list to be compiles.

Petra was in exams so Willie ran through the website development, which is well advanced. There was 15-pages of information and pictures and Petra is waiting on final photo's and then the website can go live.
Petra still needs to work on either a Maori Family logo/crest, so again any ideas would help. Or we will only have the boars head of the Campbell's and the Fleur de France of the Flavells...

Sub Groups:
A reminder of the sub-groups, can the people in these groups please begin liaising amongst themselves to start preparations

Faith                                            Family Stories                           Book    
Muru Walters                               Muru Walters                              Muru Walters
Ned Ihaka                                    Eru Manuera                               Willie Witana
Rick Witana                                 Kingi Ihaka                                  Kingi Ihaka
Tau Natan                                    Boo Witana                                 Eru Manuera
Shona Pink-Martin                                                                           Bangy Ihaka

Youth                                           Te Kao Liaison                           Waiata & Music
Petra Witana                                Andrew Ihaka                                Tom Ihaka    
Marpuna Pocklington                  Tusi Nathan                                   Shona Pink-Martin
Sunny Christie                              Mani Ihaka                                     Ramon Pink
Rawinia Gemmell
Roewena Ihaka
Ngawini Smith 

Merchandise                              Music Recording
Adam Pink-Martin                       Tom Ihaka
Bangy Ihaka                                 Shona Pink-Martin 

The next Family Reunion hui will have the following two topics as the focus points:
1. Creation of the Trust
2. Funding Opportunities & 500 Club